Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Reflection on Today's Ride

After walking Anna (who is a dog, who is not mine but I am around her alot), I realized that today is a good day to go try out my new knee sliders. I have previously touched my knee to the ground when turning aggresivley, and decided to get some sliders to capitalize on this possible skill I might be developing; what a hootinany these things are!

The temp today was in the high 30's so of course I was bundled up. I actually discovered that my winter coat liner works well under my leather jacket to insulate and also repel the wind. Anyway, I hopped on the bike and headed over to The Sisters. The bottom turn is still tear-jerkingly wet and slick with gravel and frozen stuff everywhere. I did a warm up lap to heat up my tires, and also get that nasty goop off of them. After briskly turning around after the top left turn, I was going back through that same turn and into my favorite left. TOUCHDOWN!!!!! on my first try.

I have had much practice on this turn and also through this entire section, and have touch my knee on this turn before. I did a few more laps, turning around just before the bottom turn because it's all wet anyway. I stayed here until my legs started cramping up and decided to head back.

When I got back into town (joppatowne) there was some catastrophe on Joppa Farm and I had to turn around. I figured that I would stop and get gas since I had to go by there anyway. While gasing up, I could have sworn that Rudolph passed by on his scooter, but he wasn't going towards his house so I figured it was some other stand up citizen.

I took a detour to get home, which didn't get me home, so I had to turn around again. While going through the hood near the highschool, I decided to do some hooligan maneuvers and drag my knees a bit in some cauldesacks ( however you spell it). I then hit up a freshly paved parkinglot at Joppa Elementary, then when finally getting to my neck of the woods, I did a few circles in the lil loop by Justin's house. Fun stuff!

Thanks for reading, until next time stay safe and warm out there!

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